Cedar Keys/Lawson, Central Florida Region (14)

Comments on Geologic Parameters

14 Porosity:

Core Laboratory (J. Haberfeld, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, personal communication, 2000) determined porosity of sidewall core samples from 4,500 to 4,950 in the Lawson Dolomite from the Kaiser Mulberry waste-injection well in Polk County, central Florida (J. Haberfeld, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, personal communication, 2000). Their analysis shows that porosity varies between 24.5 and 28.0 percent. For lack of other data, we used this range for the GIS. However, descriptions of the lower Cedar Keys and upper Lawson Dolomites indicate that because porosity varies vertically and horizontally in these units, so this range may not be representative throughout central and southern Florida.

14 Reference:

Haberfeld (Florida Department of Environmental Protection, personal communication, 2000)

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