News 2011
December 17, 2011: The paper "Role of partial miscibility on pressure buildup due to constant rate injection of CO2 into closed and open brine aquifer" by co-author Seyyed Hosseini has been published in the journal Water Resources Research.
December 12, 2011: Kerr-Weyburn Investigation. Katherine Romanak, Changbing Yang, and Brad Wolaver were part of an international team of scientists that investigated allegations of leaking CO2 at a farm in Saskatchewan. Their extensive field and lab work contributed to a 180-page study released by IPAC-CO2, an an environmental, non-government organization. The study found no evidence that carbon dioxide was leaking from geologic reservoirs. "The CO2 injected by Cenovus Energy as part of its enhanced oil recovery project is not the source of CO2 found on the Kerr farm," said Dr. Carmen Dybwad, Chief Executive Officer of IPAC-CO2. "The levels of natural CO2 we found were normal." IPAC-CO2 has also released a documentary on the events in Weyburn. Regina, Canada
December 5-9, 2011: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Susan Hovorka is invited to give talks, "Test bed for design of commercial monitoring approach—SECARB early test at Cranfield" and "Field testing the role of heterogeneity at the inter-well scale during two phase flow." Katherine Romanak and colleagues Tim Dixon and Ameena Camps present talk "Natural CO2 Releases Providing Messages For Stakeholders." Hilary Olson, Katherine Romanak, Victoria Osborne, Susan Hovorka, Sigrid Clift, and Amy Castner present poster "Effective use of Natural CO2-rich Systems for Stakeholder Communication:" Katherine Romanak, Changbing Yang, and Susan Hovorka present poster, "Process-Based Approach to Carbon Storage Leakage Detection Using Soil Gas Monitoring: Lessons from Natural and Industrial Analogues." JP Nicot presents poster "Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources in Texas and Other Mining Activities: the Water Challenge." Hilary Olson, Victoria Osborne, Susan Hovorka, Katherine Romanak, Rebecca Smyth; Scott Tinker, and other colleagues present poster "GIRLTALK: Energy, Climate and Water in the 21st Century." Jiemin Lu, Tip. Meckel, and Ramón Treviño present "Seal characterization for Miocene-age rocks of Texas Gulf of Mexico." Brad Wolaver, Alexander Sun, JP Nicot, Susan Hovorka, Vanessa Nuñez-Lopez, and Michael Young present poster "The Effects of Subsurface Heterogeneity on Detectability of CO2 Leakage to Shallow Groundwater Aquifers." Seyyed Hosseini and JP Nicot present poster "Carbon sequestration in saline aquifers connected to EOR fields: Modelling implications." Julie Ditkof, Tip Meckel, Hongliu Zeng, and Susan Hovorka present poster "Time lapse seismic response (4D) related to industrial-scale CO2 injection at an EOR and CCS site, Cranfield, MS." Brad Wolaver, JP Nicot, and Mary Hingst present poster "Behavior of North-Central Texas Paleozoic Aquifers: Geological Controls vs. Surface Water Control." Changbing Yang and JP Nicot present poster "Performance Assessment of a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility in Texas." Khandaker Zahid and Susan Hovorka present poster "Characterizing CO2 storage reservoir for above-zone monitoring." San Francisco, CA
December 5, 2011: MRV pre-workshop event. Vanessa Nuñez organized the pre-workshop, which was sponsored by STORE and TxCCSA, preceding the Annual Carbon Management Workshop. Her talk was titled "Monitoring CO2 retention in an EOR setting: lessons learned from BEG's MRV projects." Houston, TX
December 5, 2011: Trans-Atlantic Research to Business: CCS in EOR. Tip Meckel will give a talk on monitoring and EOR at a 1/2 day meeting of CCS stakeholders from the UK, Norway, and Canada. Houston, TX
December 2-3, 2011: GCCC/Houston British Consulate Collaborative Technical Workshop. Attendees from Norway, UK, and Canada meet with Tip Meckel and other GCCC staff during a 1.5 day workshop focusing on CCS monitoring and capacity. Austin, TX

GCCC researcher Vanessa Nuñez speaks about EOR at the Petroleum Engineers Club of Dallas.
December 2, 2011: Petroleum Engineers Club of Dallas. Vanessa Nuñez was invited to give talk "Carbon Storage for Commercial EOR." Dallas, TX

November 27-December 5, 2011: United Nations Climate Change Conference. Katherine Romanak was invited to present a talk titled "Geologic Carbon Storage; Monitoring and Environmental Impacts" at the Carbon Capture and Storage Association's official UNFCCC side event at COP17. The side event, 'CCS in the CDM', was aimed at informing negotiators and other delegates about various aspects of CCS technology and its potential inclusion in the CDM (Clean Development Mechanism). STORE's Hilary Olson also attended. Olson and Romanak's presence at the meeting in South Africa demonstrates how GCCC and STORE outreach efforts are playing a role in informing international negotiations on carbon capture and storage. Durban, South Africa
November 15-17, 2011: NETL Carbon Storage Program Infrastructure Annual Review Meeting. Tip Meckel presents "Gulf of Mexico Miocene CO2 Site Characterization Mega Transect." Hilary Olson presents "Sequestration Training, Outreach, Research and Education (STORE)." Michael Young and Ian Duncan attend. Pittsburgh, PA
November 15, 2011: Two new journal articles on CO2 monitoring are authored by GCCC researchers. "Sensitivity of groundwater systems to CO2; application of a site-specific analysis of carbonate monitoring parameters at the SACROC CO2-enhanced oil field," by Katherine Romanak, and Rebecca Smyth, Changbing Yang, Susan Hovorka, and Jiemin Lu, has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Jiemin Lu is lead author on a paper published in the Journal of Chemical Geology, "CO2-rock-brine interactions in Lower Tuscaloosa Formation at Cranfield CO2 sequestration site, Mississippi, U.S.A." For more information on the papers, please click here [PDF].
November 8, 2011: Global CCS Institute Austin Regional Meeting. Ian Duncan presented a talk, "Carbon Storage Research," on CCS research results in the Gulf Coast. Rebecca Smyth, Susan Hovorka, and Katherine Romanak attended. The meeting was co-sponsored by GCCC. Austin, Texas
November 1-2, 2011: 2011 International Forum on CCS and Energy Storage Technologies. Susan Hovorka attended the conference and presented "Storage Technology in the USA—case studies in monitoring large and small volume CO2 Injections." Taipei, Taiwan
October 28, 2011: The National Academies Division on Earth & Life Studies. Susan Hovorkawas invited to present a talk on "Geological Storage of Captured Carbon" as part of the DELS Frontline Issues Special Session. Irvine, California

Meckel with other members of the Texas Assembly in Fort Worth.
October 21, 2011: Next Generation Project: Texas Assembly. As a sponsored fellow, Tip Meckel joined 50 young leaders from around Texas to foster cutting-edge, innovative solutions to our shared global challenges. The Assembly gathers the best and brightest young business and academic leaders from around the state to discuss issues through rigorous, responsible debate. This meeting focused on energy, economic development, the environment, and U.S. global policy. Fort Worth, TX.
October 20-22, 2011: Florida Association of Science Teachers 2011. Katherine Romanak presented "Climate Change and Climate Mitigation Technology" at science teacher professional development conference titled Celebrating Science in Our World. Hilary Olsen presented "Earth Science Education for the 21st Century" with Kathy Ellins. The workshop was in conjunction with STORE, the GCCC's outreach partner. Orlando, Florida
October 9-14, 2011: Society of Petroleum Engineers Forum: Eastern Hemisphere CO2Geological Storage: Will We Be Ready In Time? Susan Hovorka invited to attend, and key participant in breakout sessions and discussions. The Algarve, Portugal
October 9-12, 2011: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Julie Ditkof presented a digital poster titled, "Time lapse seismic response (4D) related to industrial-scale CO2 injection at an EOR and CCS site, Cranfield, MS." Jiemin Lu presented a talk "Fluid flow in a fluvial formation revealed by continual monitoring of fluid chemistry during injection of carbon dioxide" co-authored by Seyyed Hosseini. Minneapolis, MN
October 9, 2011: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Julie Ditkof will present a digital poster titled, "Time lapse seismic response (4D) related to industrial-scale CO2 injection at an EOR and CCS site, Cranfield, MS." Minneapolis, MN
October 8, 2011: Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability Workshop: Natural and Engineered Carbon Sequestration. Jieming Lu attended and presented, "Comparing various monitoring methods for CO2 injection." Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

Sue Hovorka discusses Frio cores, EOR and carbon sequestration before a field trip to Denbury's West Hastings Field.
September 27-30, 2011: The Midwestern Governors Association (MGA). In partnership with the Great Plains Institute, GCCC's Alliance for Sequestration Training, Outreach, Research and Education (STORE), Denbury Resources, Southern Co. and the Southern States Energy Board, MGA organized a public-private regional delegation to Texas and Mississippi to focus on commercial enhanced oil recovery using CO2-EOR. The delegation visited commercial CO2-EOR operations and received expert briefings about technical, economic, project development, and environmental aspects of EOR and about successful policies and public-private partnerships that have helped expand the commercial CO2-EOR industry in the Gulf Coast region, including opportunities for using this technology for storage of CO2. STORE contributed a workshop on Wednesday, September 28, at the Houston Research Center, which included presentations and viewing of cores. Texas and Mississippi

GCCC graduate student Logan West with Jerry Fletcher of West Virginia University, director of the CERC – Advanced Coal Technology Consortium at the CSLF Meeting in Beijing.
September 19-23, 2011: The Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF) 4th Ministerial meeting. The CSLF is a ministerial/cabinet-level (e.g. energy minister/secretary) global initiative focused on the development of CCS. The event was highlighted by a day long open and closed meeting of energy ministers including US DOE Sec. Stephen Chu. The conference also served as a platform for several other announcements and side-meetings including the US-China Clean Energy Research (CERC), which has numerous joint CCUS activities. Logan West participated in the conference, helping to release the Guidelines for CCUS in China and reported for the Exchange Monitor. Beijing, China

Katherine Romanak speaks before the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Abu Dhabi
September 11, 2011: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Technical Workshop. The workshop made progress toward allowing CCS projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the UNFCC. Ninety-one delegates from 33 countries and an array of experts, including Katherine Romanak who presented a talk on groundwater protection, attended the workshop. Presentations will inform the UNFCCC Secretariat who is preparing options in a negotiating text for Parties in Durban later this fall. Abu Dhabi
September 1, 2011: UT Energy Symposium. Carey King gives featured talk "Historical Energy Overview & Why There is No Consensus for the Future." Austin, TX
August 11, 2011: Climate Committee of the Greater Houston Partnership. Vanessa Nuñez gave a presentation via teleconference titled "Update on CCS Activities in the Gulf Coast." Houston, TX
July 28, 2011: KEPS-KORDI CCS Workshop. Jiemin Lu gave a presentation titled "Overview of GCCC activities and monitoring of CO2 injection at Cranfield." The workshop is organized by the Korean-American Energy Exploration & Production Society and funded by Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute. KORDI has begun research on geological storage of CO2 in offshore Korean geological units. The goal of workshop is to update research status and share knowledge among the research communities of two countries. Houston, TX
July 27, 2011: GCCC Hosted a visit to BEG from Charlie Brankman of C12 Energy. Staff shared knowledge related to well completions and monitoring. Austin, TX
July 27, 2011: GCCC Hosted at BEG Brendan Beck, Manager South African Centre for CCS. Staff discussed South Africa's opportunities for a CCS test and provided knowledge sharing from BEG's previous tests. Austin, TX
July 26, 2011: Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Capture and Storage Technical Meeting. Susan Hovorka presented an update on the SECARB early test results. Birmingham, AL

Zahid Khandaker (back row, 3rd from right) with members of his presentation team at the IEAGHG Summer School.
July 18-22, 2011: Fifth International CO2 Capture and Storage Summer School. Post-doc Zahid Khandaker attended the IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme summer school hosted by the Illinois State Geologic Survey at the University of Illinois. Champaign, IL
July 2, 2011: Pew Center on Global Climate Change. As member of the stakeholder working group that will help in the development of a CCS methodology, Susan Hovorka reviewed the Accounting Framework report prepared by the Pew Center on Global Climate Change. Austin, TX
July 1, 2011: GCCC hosted a visit to BEG from geologists from StatOil's Gulf of Mexico Research Organization. Torhild Gillebo, Head of the Exploration and Reservoir Characterization Unit, and Tor Anders Knai, a structural geologist leading fault and seal activitie exchanged information with BEG personnel on Gulf of Mexico activities. Austin, TX
June 24, 2011: GHG Reduction Technologies Monitor This weekly newsletter provides information and insight on development of systems and technologies that will allow operations that inherently produce greenhouse gases to continue and adapt. The June 24 issue featured a new process-based method developed by Katherine Romanak and Changbing Yang along with other collaborators at GCCC for identifying leaks from CCS projects.
June 17-18, 2011: BIGCCS Centre International. Susan Hovorka served on an 8-member scientific advisory committee. BIGCCS is a Norwegian technology center with the goals of building expertise and closing critical knowledge gaps of the CO2 chain, and developing novel technologies in an extensive collaborative research effort. Jaegtovolden, Norway

Katherine Romanak and Tim Dixon of IEAGHG present new work on using natural releases of CO2 for stakeholder communication in Trondheim, Norway.
June 14-16, 2011: Trondheim CCS Conference. Katherine Romanak presented "Soil-Gas identification of vadose-zone carbon cycling: Implications for near surface monitoring at CCS sites" and "Sensitivity of shallow groundwater systems to CO2; Case studies from the Cranfield and SACROC EOR fields" for Changbing Yang. Katherine also presented a poster entitled "Natural CO2 Releases Providing Messages for Stakeholders" with UK collaborator Tim Dixon of the IEAGHG. Ian Duncan also attended and presented two posters. Trondheim, Norway

Becky Smyth discusses the geochemistry of carbon dioxide with high school teachers attending the STORE/TXSS Revolution workshop in June.
June 13-25, 2011: Energy, Climate and Water in the 21st Century. GCCC's education and outreach partner STORE participates in a two-week professional development workshop on for middle- and high-school teachers in collaboration with The TeXas Earth and Space Science (TXESS) Revolution program and the Texas Water Development Board. The workshop highlights connections between energy, climate and water for 25 teachers from all over Texas (and one from Jamaica). STORE provides expertise for several activities on carbon capture and storage and a field trip to Luminant's Oak Grove Power Plant and Kosse Mine. Austin and surroundings, TX

Stefan Schloemer of the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources performs routine maintenance at a permanent soil-gas monitoring station in the Altmark Natural Gas Field.
June 10, 2011: Altmark Natural Gas Field. Katherine Romanak observed a permanent monitoring gas membrane system, which has been installed in a natural gas field in northern Germany. The system has collected continuous background concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane for several years. Romanak discussed future collaboration. Salzwedel, Germany
June 9, 2011: CO2CARE Workshop. Susan Hovorka was invited to be a member of the steering committee for CO2Care - CO2 Site Closure Assessment Research, an international partnership focused on post-injection technology and safety. The workshop also included an excursion to the Ketzin Injection Site. Potsdam, Germany
June 7-9, 2011: International Energy Agency Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Network Meeting. Susan Hovorka chaired sessions including "Developing Protocols and Strategies to Form a Monitoring Plan" and "Near Surface Performance and Monitoring: monitoring the outer envelope - demonstrating no leakage." Tip Meckel presented "Pressure monitoring at Cranfield." Katherine Romanak chaired the session "Updates and Permanent Installations: Current and Future Activities" and presented "Soil-Gas Monitoring." Jeff Paine presented "Conductivity Measuring to Detect Brine Displacement." The meeting also included a trip to the Ketzin Injection Site. Potsdam, Germany
June 5-8, 2011: STORE GirlTalk Workshop. GCCC's outreach and education partner STORE held a four day interactive workshop for middle-school girls focused on energy issues in the 21st century. Rio Grande Valley, Texas
May 26, 2011: The GCCC welcomed Curt Oldenburg from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, who gave an overview of the carbon program at LBNL. Austin, TX
May 17, 2011: The Gulf Coast Carbon Center welcomed several members of C12 Energy, a company that is planning commercial storage projects. Co-founder and president Kurt Zenz House gave a presentation on the company's efforts and discussion with GCCC staff followed. Austin, TX

Ramón Treviño and Susan Hovorka with Joseph Yeddu (right) at the Gulf Coast Carbon Center.
May 6, 2011: The Gulf Coast Carbon Center welcomed Joseph Essando Yeddu, member of the Ghana Negotiating Party to the United Nations Climate Change and Kyoto Protocol, who discussed the role of carbon sequestration within the United Nation's climate change framework. Austin, TX
May 3-4, 2011: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Trade Fair. Changbing Yang presented a talk titled "Using Groundwater Geochemistry for Leak Detection at a Carbon Sequestration Site" which summarized recent research on shallow groundwater chemistry monitoring. Austin, TX
May 2-5 2011: 10th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture and Sequestration. Susan Hovorka gives talk "Progress Update: SECARB Monitoring 2.5 million tons CO2 stored at Cranfield Mississippi." Vanessa Nuñez-López presents talk "Temperature Monitoring at SECARB Cranfield Phase 3 site using Distributed Temperature Survey (DTS) Technology" and poster "Temperature Monitoring at SECARB Cranfield Phase 3 site using Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS)." JP Nicot presents poster "Leakage risk assessment at a Gulf Coast EOR site, using the Certification Framework approach." Katherine Romanak gives oral presentation, "Natural CO2 Releases Providing Messages for Stakeholders," and poster presentations, "Method for Distinguishing Signal From Noise in the Near-Surface Using Simple Soil-Gas Measurements: Lessons from Natural and Industrial Analogues" and "Sensitivity of Shallow Groundwater Systems to CO2: Lessons from the NETL SWP Study at the SACROC Oilfield." Tip Meckel presents talk "Offshore CCS in the Gulf of Mexico and Risks Posed by Existing Wells." Seyyed Hosseini and JP Nicot present two posters, "Modeling EOR oil production without an oil phase in the context of CCS: step-by-step conversion from a 3-phase system to a 2-Phase CO2-brine system" and "Analytical Studies of Brine Reinjection during CO2 Sequestration in Deep Aquifers." Erin Miller presents poster, "Characterization of Gulf of Mexico Structural Trap Performance for the Texas Offshore CO2 Capacity Assessment." Pittsburgh, PA
May 2, 2011: Austin Geological Society. Rebecca Smyth was invited to talk about carbon capture and storage technology. Approximately 75 professionals attended the meeting hosted at the Bureau of Economic Geology. Austin, TX
May 1-5, 2011: National Ground Water Summit. Seyyed Hosseni presents "Brine Reinjection Into Shallower Aquifers During CO2 Sequestration: A Pressure Management Practice." Baltimore, Maryland

April 14, 2011: Imperial Barrel Award. Congratulations to The University of Texas Imperial Barrel team, which includes GCCC student Erin Miller. The team placed first in the most prestigious petroleum geosciences competition for students in the world. For a full report please see the press release: GCCC's Erin Miller was part of the IPA team that brought top honors to Austin. Houston, TX.
April 10-13, 2011: American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Annual Convention and Exhibition. Tip Meckel, Erin Miller, and JP Nicot attended. Houston, TX.

Romanak (in center wearing black and white) with UTSA engineering graduate students.
April 8, 2010: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Texas San Antonio. Katherine Romanak gives a talk to graduate students in the Environmental Science and Engineering CE 6221 Graduate Seminar on her work in the Southeast U.S. Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership in Cranfield, Mississippi. San Antonio, Texas

GCCC's Erin Miller (second from right) with UT's Imperial Barrel Award winning team.
March 25, 2011: American Association of Petroleum Geophysics's Imperial Barrel Award Program. The Imperial Barrel Award Program (IBA) is an annual basin/prospect evaluation competition for geoscience graduate students from universities around the world. University teams compete to win scholarship funds dedicated to graduate student petroleum geoscience education. The program is rigorous and contributes to AAPG's mission of promoting petroleum geoscience training and advancing the careers of geoscience students. Erin Miller is a member of The University of Texas at Austin's IBA team, which took first place in the semifinal competition. Miller and her teammates now proceed to the international finals. Houston, TX
March 25, 2011: The Bureau of Economic Geology Seminar Series. Tip Meckel Presents "Buoyant fluid migration in heterogeneous geologic media." Austin, TX

March 22, 2011: An historical perspective on the GCCC and CCS is featured on the BEG's website. For full story, click here [PDF].
March 9-10, 2011: SECARB Sixth Annual Stakeholder's Meeting. Ian Duncan presented talk "Risk Assessment for CO2 Sequestration." Dave Carr presented talk "SECARB Offshore Study: Federal Waters." Michael Young moderated a panel on SECARB Cranfield Projects, which included Susan Hovorka speaking on Site, Setting, Scope of Program, and Results; Jiemin Lu discussing the Results of the Geochemical Program and P-site Monitoring; and Seyyed Hosseini speaking on the Modeling Program: Results to Date. Atlanta, Georgia

Susan Hovoraka discusses carbon sequestration with middle- and high-school teachers at STORE's Geoforce workshop.
March 7-8, 2011: GeoFORCE Texas Professional Development Workshop. As part of STORE, GCCC's education and outreach program, Susan Hovorka, Katherine Romanak and Hilary Olson, as well as UTIG's Jon Olson led a professional development workshop entitled "Energy and You: What to do with CO2." GeoFORCE Texas is the nation's largest college prep program for earth sciences. Almost 50 middle- and high-school teachers from southwest Texas and Houston attended the two-day event, which covered the broad issue of our future energy mix, how fossil fuels fit into that mix, and how technological solutions, such as carbon capture and storage, play a role in the options for 21st century low-carbon footprint energy sources. Austin, TX

Juli Berwald, freelance science writer for the GCCC, shows students how hydrocarbons become carbon dioxide using styrofoam balls and pipe cleaners.
March 5, 2011: Explore UT. During The University of Texas' largest open house of the year, GCCC's booth "What to do with CO2" explained the basics of carbon sequestration using models and demonstrations. GCCC staff Susan Hovorka, Khandaker Zahid, Jiemin Lu, Katherine Romanak, Seyyed Hosseini, Vanessa Nunez, Sigrid Clift, Carlos Puerta, Hilary Olson, and Juli Berwald, as well as BEG's Bridget Scanlon, Valentina Prigiobbe, Melissa Coffman, Ursula Hammes, Reuben Reyes, and Sojan Mathew took turns entertaining and educating a steady stream of elementary, middle, and high school students and their parents throughout the day.
March 1-4, 2011: Weyburn -Midale CO2 Project. Katherine Romanak attended a planning meeting with IPAC-CO2 regarding a study of near-surface soil gas. The trip also included a site visit. Saskatchewan, Canada

Tip Meckel delivers talk on carbon sequestration at the Austin Forum.
March 1, 2011: The Austin Forum on Science, Technology & Society. Tip Meckel presents "Put It Back—Geological Sequestration for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction" before a crowd of well over 100. The Austin Forum is a monthly speaker series that hosts distinguished leaders who share their knowledge and experience about the confluence of science, technology and society in the 21st century. Austin, TX
February 28, 2011: 4 Kingdoms CCS Initiative: First Technical Workshop. The goal of the Initiative, formed by the four kingdoms of Saudi Arabia, Norway, The Netherlands, and the UK, is to identify and address technical issues, including gaps in knowledge, which could impede further commercialization of CCS, to act in a coordinated manner to enhance expertise on CCS, and to encourage the sharing of knowledge and the transfer of technology. Susan Hovorka presents an overview of the GCCC's work at Cranfield, MS. Over 150 international experts participate in the workshop, including a visit to Saudi Aramco's Shabah facility. Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia
February 10, 2011: Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Texas at Arlington. Jiemin Lu gives presentation "Are mudrock seals tight enough for geological sequestration of CO2?" Arlington, TX
February 8, 2011: The University of Texas School of Law Continuing Legal Education. Susan Hovorka and Tip Meckel participate in conference "The Future of Texas CCS—2011 and Beyond". Meckel presents lecture titled "Offshore Geologic Storage Study." Austin, TX
February 1, 2011: Florida Geological Survey. Susan Hovorka presented a two hour lecture and Q&A hosted by Andy Smith of the Florida Geological Survey at the USGS field office in Tallahassee FL. USGS COSTA Lead and expert in Florida geological sequestration capacity Tina Roberts Ashbey was also present to answer questions. Tallahassee, FL
January 8, 2011: The Texas Tribune. Susan Hovorka quoted in article "Aided by Oil, Carbon Capture Projects Advance in Texas". For full story click here.