EASiTool Project

About EASiTool
The Enhanced Analytical Simulation Tool (EASiTool) is a web-based platform that provides science-based, CO2 storage-capacity estimations for geologic carbon storage (GCS), while also offering an array of powerful features to support efficient and accurate CO2 storage simulations and evaluations. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is currently proposed as a mitigation technique to reduce large, industrial emissions of CO2 from our atmosphere. EASiTool provides users with initial assessments, such as site screening, site selection, and storage-capacity estimations that are crucial for all CCS projects. EASiTool helps users to estimate reservoir to basin scale, pressure build-ups, and area of review (AOR). User will be able investigate interference among of multiple injection projects in the same area.
The EASiTool project was initially developed in 2013 with funding provided by the DOE Award No. DE-FE0009301, which concluded in 2018. The current version of EASiTool 5.0 includes major web updates and introduces a number of features in response to CCS regulations and requirements.
EASiTool Project Overview
- Enhanced Analytical Simulation Tool (EASiTool) for CO2 Storage-Capacity Estimations and Uncertainty Quantification
- Project PI: Dr. Seyyed A. Hosseini
Please contact project PI Seyyed A. Hosseini if you have any questions or need software access.
Postdoctoral Fellow Contributors: Jungang “Gordon” Chen (present – 2025), Zhicheng "William" Wang (2024 – 2023), Reza Ganjdanesh (2018–2015), Houman Bedayat (2015–2014), and Seunghee Kim (2014–2013).
Helpful Resources
If you are interested in learning more about the methodology, application, and functionality of EASiTool with respect to carbon storage-capacity estimation, check out Ganjdanesh and Hosseini (2017 & 2018) publications below.
EASiTool Analytical Models:
Ganjdanesh, R., and Hosseini, S.A., 2017, Geologic Carbon Storage Capacity Estimation Using Enhanced Analytical Simulation Tool (EASiTool): Energy Procedia v. 114, p. 4690–4696, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.1601.
Ganjdanesh, R., and Hosseini, S.A., 2018, Development of an Analytical Simulation Tool for Storage Capacity Estimation of Saline Aquifers: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control v. 74, p. 142–154, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijggc.2018.04.017.
Wang, Z.W., and Hosseini, S.A., 2024, Advanced CO2 Storage Capacity Estimation with EASiTool v.5, SPE-AAPG-SEG Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Conference and Exhibition: Houston, Texas, USA, [extended abstract] https://doi.org/10.15530/ccus-2024-4001383. Retrieved from: https://onepetro.org/ccusce/proceedings/24JCUS/2-24JCUS/D021S005R001/543736?searchresult=1
Additional References for Multiphase-Flow Models:
Azizi, E., and Cinar, Y., 2013, Approximate analytical solutions for CO2 injectivity into saline formations: SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, v. 16, p. 123–133, https://doi.org/10.2118/165575-PA.
Mathias, S.A., Hardisty, P.E., Trudell, M.R. and Zimmerman, R.W., 2009, Screening and selection of sites for CO2 sequestration based on pressure buildup. International Journal of Greenhouse gas control, v. 3, p. 577–585, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijggc.2009.05.002.
Mathias, S.A., Gluyas, J.G., Martínez de Miguel González, G.J., Hosseini, S.A., 2011, Role of partial miscibility on pressure buildup due to constant rate injection of CO2 into closed and open brine aquifers: Water Resources Research, v. 47, W12525, https://doi.org/10.1029/2011WR011051.
Spycher, N., Pruess, K. and Ennis-King, J., 2003, CO2-H2O mixtures in the geological sequestration of CO2. I. Assessment and calculation of mutual solubilities from 12 to 100 C and up to 600 bar: Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, v. 67, p.3015–3031, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0016-7037(03)00273-4.
Spycher, N. and Pruess, K., 2005, CO2-H2O mixtures in the geological sequestration of CO2. II. Partitioning in chloride brines at 12–100°C and up to 600 bar: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 69, p. 3309–3320, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2005.01.015.
Last Updated: March 18, 2025