GoMCarb Risk Assessment, Simulation, Modeling

Risk Assessment
In an effort to anticipate risks and develop mitigation strategies for offshore environments, GoMCarb adapts current onshore storage risk assessment and mitigation strategies, such as DOE’s NRAP tools, to offshore environments. In addition to nationally employed protocols, GoMCarb collaborates with international projects currently storing offshore to learn beneficial and economical practices that may be appropriate for the unique geologic setting of the Gulf of Mexico.
Offshore well management is a priority in understanding feasibility and adaptability of these methods. By extrapolating the findings found within localized study areas, GoMCarb is able to assess the impact of structure, pressure, and rock property variability on storage capacity across the GoM.

Using geologic characterizations of the GoM found in the Offshore Storage Resource Assessment task, GoMCarb performs numerical simulations to assess the impact of reservoir geology variation on CO2 injection and storage. This modeling helps anticipate conditions that could lead to a potential leak and the effects of a leak in the water column above a well to build a basis for future leak identification and mitigation plans.
Using models, GoMCarb describes the effects of varying physical and chemical processes on CO2 migration within a storage reservoir, and potentially through the caprock, overburden, and water column above.
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