People, Partners, Project Funding, and Advisory Committee
Principal Investigators, University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Susan D. Hovorka, Dr. Timothy Meckel, Ramón H. Treviño
GCCC, the project leaders, have been working in carbon capture and storage (CCS) for 19 years and conducted the first assessment of large-volume offshore storage resources in the GoM in 2008.
Using insight gained over the last 19 years of GCCC’s CCS research, GoMCarb will apply the capacity and retention research to the entire Gulf of Mexico and applying it to sub-seafloor storage.


Project Funding
Advisory Committee
The partnership includes an Advisory Committee with international experts in offshore storage, business leaders that have expressed interest, and key participants such as state and federal stakeholders, regulators, advisors and land owners. The Advisory Committee will help guide Partnership activities to assure that current best practices are used, that technical approaches are well-adapted to the region, and that appropriate communication strategies add value to project outcomes.
Tim Dixon / Advisory Committee Chair
IEA GHG R&D development program
Melissa Batum
Thomas Berly
Doug Connelly
National Oceanography Centre, U.K.
Zhou Di
South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Robert Finley
Illinois Geological Survey (retired)
Heron Gachuz
Stuart Haszeldine
Scottish CCS Centre, University of Edinburgh
Robert Hatter
Texas General Land Office
Bruce Hill
Clear Air Task Force
Nick Hoffman
Anastasia Ilgen
Sandia National Laboratories
Noel Kamrajh
South African National Energy Development Institute
Jun Kita
Marine Ecology Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
Jazmin Mota Nieto
Secretaría de Energia (SENER)
Kari-Lise Rørvik
Gary Teletzke
Owain Tucker
Christopher Walker
Ziqiu Xue
RITE, University of Kyoto
Last Updated: August 25, 2023