News 2021
June 25, 2021: Master's graduate Meliannah Ulfah presented her thesis research to the Indonesian Association of Geophysicists (
June 24, 2021: Katherine Romanak was a panelist on the "Industrial Decarbonization & the role of CCUS: a Canadian Outlook" seminar at the North American Energy Dialogue Series.

June 7, 2021: GCCC researchers Susan Hovorka, Tongwei Zhang, and Katherine Romanak met with scientists from the CCS Key Laboratory of Northwest University, ShangXi Province China, led by Prof. Jinfeng Ma. The goal was to discuss collaboration and technology transfer in CO2 storage capacity, reservoir modeling and monitoring for CO2 geological storage in China.
June 6, 2021: Susan Hovorka gave a talk via web titled “The Availability and Permanence of Geologic Storage for CO2 captured by BECCS” at the MIT Energy Initiative Spring Symposium on BECCS: Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage.

May 20, 2021: Katherine and Sahar Bakhshian participated in a CCUS Panel Discussion hosted by AWG (Association for Women Geoscientists) Lone Star chapter.

May 19, 2021: Tip Meckel, Alex Bump, Susan Hovorka, and Ramon Trevino published an article titled "Carbon capture, utilization, and storage hub development on the Gulf Coast" in Greenhouse Gases: Science in Technology. View the open access article here.
May 7, 2021: Susan Hovorka presented on CCS Infrastructure for a Net-Zero Future: Geologic Storage to about 300 participants, including the public and members of congress, as part of the Carbon Capture and Storage 101 Webinars series sponsored by GCCSI.
May 4, 2021: Katherine Romanak and Sahar Bakhshian served as the session chairs in one the EAGE’s Energy Transition workshop series entitled “Putting Carbon Underground.” Find the schedule here.
May 1, 2021: Please congratulate our four GCCC students who presented during Master's Saturday:
April 20, 2021: Graduate student assistant Melianna Ulfah presented a recap at the Global Dialog 2021: Solutions for Green Economic Recovery, Climate Justice and Climate Solutions. Watch the video here. Ulfah starts at 43:41.
April 19, 2021: Susan Hovorka gave a talk on Geologic Storage as part of NETS to students of the UT Negative Emissions Project.
March 22, 2021: Susan Hovorka joined a panel discussion for the Women In Energy CCUS Roadshow on the status of carbon removal technology in Texas. Learn more about Columbia's Women in Energy at:
March 15–18, 2021: Susan Hovorka, Katherine Romanak, Tip Meckel, Alex Bump, Sahar Bakhshian, and Vanessa Nuñez-Lopez presented at the 15th International Virtual Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies. GHGT is one of the world's leading conferences on CCS. See a list of the talks and abstracts here: /blog/gccc-at-ghgt-15/
April 15, 2021: Jiro Tanaka, GCCC collaborator, gave a talk to the Bureau of Economic Geology about the key accomplishments of the CCS project in Tomakomai, Japan. Watch the recording of the talk here.
February 25, 2021: Vanessa Nunez-Lopez gave a plenary session talk during the "XVI Congreso Venezolano de Geofisica" (XVI Venezuelan Congress of Geophysics). The talk was on CCS and what is expected of CCS within the global environmental challenge context.
February 9, 2021: Kelly Rose and other members of the National Energy Technology Laboratories joined the weekly GCCC staff meeting to discuss machine learning and the geosciences.
February 3, 2021: Susan Hovorka gave a talk about the importance of test facilities in geoscience during a webinar titled, "The role of subsurface research labs in delivering net zero: realising the potential of UKGEOS."
February 3, 2021: Susan Hovorka, Vanessa Nunez-Lopez, Tip Meckel gave a talk during the CO2@UTAustin conference organized by the chemical engineering department at UT.
January 26, 2021: Tom Ortiz from the Texas General Land Office gave a guest presentation on pressure impacts and permitting during the GCCC staff meeting.
January 26, 2021: Katherine Romanak and colleagues published an article in energies titled, "Attitudes on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) as a Mitigation Technology within the UNFCCC." Read the paper to learn how CCS and BECCS are perceived by delegates, business, and environmental NGOs alike as well as commentary on developing countries.
January 21, 2021: Katherine Romanak and Susan Hovorka gave a talk at the AAPG Europe Workshop on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). Find the schedule here.
January 20, 2021: Alex Bump sat on a panel for the AAPG Europe Workshop in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). The talk was called Exploration for CCS Resources. There was 70 people in the audience for the discussion.
Click here to view 2020 news and events.