Carbon-nots to the Rescue
We are delighted to release a carbon capture and storage (CCS) focused comic book entitled, "Carbon-nots to the Rescue!" As a special request from our Carbon-not Ambassadors, this comic book is specifically geared for 7th and 8th graders in Texas.

- In order to help develop resources with respect to new Texas educational standards, known as TEKS, we hope that this comic book will be a great resource for teachers covering concepts in Science.8.11.5
- To download an e-copy of Carbon-nots to the Rescue, click here.
- Printing instructions: To make a landscape-oriented booklet, if you have access to a double-sided printer, use print along the short-edge of the page.
- If you would like to mass produce this comic book, an economical option is to reproduce this book in a calendar-style format on 11 x 17 paper. Feel free to contact Dolores van der Kolk if you would like the e-copy for mass production (
- Click here to download the "mix and match" handout to help reinforce concepts and /or a creative drawing page.
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