Carbon-not Education & Ambassador Program

The Gulf Coast Carbon Center’s Carbon-not Education & Ambassador Program empowers teachers to build expertise in carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies and helps them create and distribute educational resources for K-12 educators throughout Texas and Louisiana.

Summary of Upcoming & Past Events


November 14–16, 2024: Come catch us at CAST24! Representatives from the State Geologic Survey of Texas, known as the Bureau of Economic Geology, will host a booth at the Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST) held in San Antonio, TX. Bureau representatives, along with two teachers who are Carbon-not Educators & Ambassadors, will showcase recently created and employed educational resources, curriculum, and materials to help explain carbon capture and storage (CCS) topics appropriate for K-12 students.

We look forward to meeting you, since we are currently seeking additional teachers willing to implement newly released curricula about current events and new technology into their classroom. To help future generations, we look forward to providing you with the appropriate training, materials, and support for your classroom success.


July 15–18, 2024: The GCCC hosted three excellent science teachers for a workshop to help them link chemistry and carbon-cycle information to CCS technology, and to develop curricula specifically geared toward current Texas middle school science standards known as the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). During this workshop, these teachers learned how to test groundwater to ensure that CO2 has not leaked from carbon storage sites. Using glass jars, GCCC staff built sandstone and limestone aquifers, creating a small laboratory version of monitoring wells and then used various testing equipment to measure pH, alkalinity, and total dissolved solids. These “controlled releases” of CO2 in classroom-friendly “lab” wells showed how equipment can detect unacceptable CO2 release events and indicate if the leak has stopped.


Read more about the first Carbon-not Education & Ambassador Workshop and the day-to-day activities here.



Last Updated: October 2, 2024

Click here for "RI0283. Geological CO2 Sequestration Atlas of Miocene Strata, Offshore Texas State Waters"


For a flyer on GCCC mission, activities, impact, and goals, please click here.

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