Lyons Sandstone, Denver Basin (02)
Comments on Geologic Parameters
02 Permeability/Hydraulic Conductivity:
Several pieces of permeability information were gathered. Measurements from core data show intrinsic permeability for the Lyons between 0.1 and 3,000 md (Belitz and Bredehoeft, 1988). According to oil-field data in the subsurface, Lyons average permeability ranges from 0.9 to 88 md/ft (Levandowski and others, 1973). A transmissivity-simulated map (Belitz and Bredehoeft, 1988) was added to the GIS data base.
02 Map:

02 Reference:
Belitz, K., and Bredehoeft, J., 1988, Hydrodynamics of Denver Basin: explanation of subnormal fluid pressures: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 72, no. 11, p. 1334-1359.
Levandowski, D., Kaley, M., and Smalley, R., 1973, Cementation in the Lyons Sandstone and its role in oil accumulation, Denver Basin, Colorado: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 57, no. 11, p. 2217-2244.