Oligocene, Gulf Coast, Gulf of Mexico (15)
Comments on Geologic Parameters
15 Water Chemistry:
Brine chemistry in the Gulf Coast basin is relatively well known because of the brine of hydrocarbon production. We have selected a high-quality, formation-specific data set (Macpherson, 1992); other data are available (for example, Kreitler and Richter, 1986; Kreitler and others, 1988).
15 Map:

15 Reference:
Kreitler, C. W., Akhter, M. S., Donnelly, A. C. A, and Wood, W. T., 1988, Hydrology of formations for deep-well injection, Texas Gulf Coast: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, unpublished contract report, 204 p.
Kreitler, C. W., and Richter, B. C., 1986, Hydrochemical characterization of the saline aquifers of the Texas Gulf Coast used for disposal of industrial waste: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, unpublished contract report, 164 p.
Macpherson, G. L., 1992, Regional variation in formation water chemistry; major and minor elements, Frio Formation fluids, Texas: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 76, no. 5, p. 740–757.