2024 Review
December 17, 2024: Alex Bump will be the keynote speaker at The Geoscience Energy Society of Great Britain’s (GESGB’s) CCS4G Symposium, organized by the “Exploring the Energy Transition” Special Interest Group…click to read
December 17, 2024: Carlos Uroza will virtually participate in the SEG EVOLVE Program, and present "CO2 Storage Opportunities in the Gulf Coast area"…click to read
December 9–13, 2024: GCCC representatives, including Ruichang Guo, Hailun Ni, Ramón Treviño, and Hongsheng Wang, will attend AGU in Washington, D.C…click to read
December 6, 2024: The GCCC's graduate students Sawsan Almalki and German Chaves presented their final M.S. Presentations at 11 am in the Main Conference Room at the Bureau of Economic Geology…click to read
December 4–5, 2024: Katherine Romanak was invited to present at the “Workshop CCUS – An Opportunity for Growth and Progress Towards the Energy Transition” hosted by ICPET and EcoPetrol…click to read
December 4, 2024: Alex Bump was invited by Professor Tim Shanahan to provide a talk for a freshman-level environmental course at the Jackson School of Geosciences…click to read
December 2–4, 2024: Several researchers from the Gulf Coast Carbon Center will attend the GCSSEPM 40th Annual Perkins-Rosen Research Conference in Houston, Texas...click to read
November 22, 2024: The GCCC weekly group meeting this week features M.S. presentations and project discussions by Sawsan Almalki and Germán Chaves who are currently wrapping up their M.S…click to read
November 20, 2024: Sue Hovorka attended the Stanford Center for Carbon Storage’s Monitoring, Measurement, and Verification (MMV) Workshop at Stanford University…click to read
November 20, 2024: As part of Katherine Romanak’s activities at COP 29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, she participated in a Caribbean-focused event supporting those interested in Trinidad and Tobago’s CCS progress…click to read
November 19, 2024: At COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, Katherine Romanak participated in an Official UNFCCC Side Event entitled, Is there any Climate Finance for Carbon Capture and Storage, Especially in Emerging Economies?...click to read
November 15, 2024: At the GCCC's weekly group meeting, Professor Jonathan Ajo-Franklin from Rice University provided our group with a virtual presentation…click to read
November 14 – 16, 2024: Sue Hovorka, Angela Luciano, and Linda McCall attended the Science Teachers Association of Texas Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST24) in San Antonio, TX...click to read
November 11, 2024: In exciting news, the Jackson School of Geosciences wrote an article about the GCCC’s latest outreach program by the Texas-Louisiana Carbon Management Community…click to read
November 7, 2024: Katherine Romanak gave a keynote presentation at the 9th International VDZ Congress in Dusseldorf Germany…click to read
November 1, 2024: We had a special visit from Franz Hiebert who joined our group to discuss observations and great take-a-ways from GHGT-17 held in Calgary between October 21–25, 2024…click to read
October 29, 2024: As part of the Bureau of Economic Geology’s Seminar Series, Katherine Romanak provided a presentation entitled, “Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Wider Society”…click to read
October 21–25, 2024: Representatives from the Gulf Coast Carbon Center have 15 presentations at the 17th Greenhouse Gas Control Technology Conference (GHGT-17) held in Calgary, Alberta, Canada…click to read
October 18, 2024: Sue Hovorka presented “Carbon Capture and Storage - Update on New Uses of Subsurface Resources” at the NARO National Convention…click to read
October 11, 2024: At our weekly GCCC meeting this week, our current GCCC Research Assistants were provided with the GCCC’s outreach training…click to read
October 10, 2024: The GCCC’s Researcher Tip Meckel was interviewed about the largest CCS lease in the U.S. history to date…click to read
October 9, 2024: Ramón Treviño presented an overview about the GCCC and our CCS research, past, present and future to two visitors from Texas University Lands…click to read
October 8–10, 2024: The GCCC’s Sue Hovorka, Angela Luciano, and Ramón Gil-Egui attended Climate Now’s public information meetings in the cities of Beaumont, Pasadena, and Texas City in Texas…click to read
September 30, 2024: The GCCC’s PI, Susan Hovorka, presented on “Storage as part of CCS” to a student group studying “Negative Emissions Technology” at UT’s Engineering Department…click to read
September 27, 2024: The GCCC welcomes Cecil Armstrong as an undergraduate research assistant who will be working with Angela Luciano and Sue Hovorka on Texas-Louisiana Carbon Management Community…click to read
September 26, 2024: Susan Hovorka traveled to Leesville within the Vernon Parish, LA to discuss the geologic aspects of storage with a community focus group…click to read
September 25, 2024: Congratulations to GCCC Principal Investigators Alex Bump, Seyyed Abolfazl Hosseini and Katherine Romanak, the Gulf of Mexico Basin Opportunities (GuMBO) was selected for funding…click to read
September 23–25, 2024: Postdoctoral Fellow, Zhicheng (William) Wang attended the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE) in New Orleans, LA…click to read
September 23, 2024: The GCCC celebrated the Texas-Louisiana Carbon Management Community’s (TXLA CMC’s) Birthday…click to read
September 23, 2024: Our researcher, Hailun Ni, and 3 of her students from her CCS course are featured on the SPE-AAPG-SEG CCUS Conference page for 2025…click to read
September 20, 2024: GCCC Representatives presented at the 10th Annual Bureau of Economic Geology’s Research Symposium...click to read
September 17–19, 2024: Sue Hovorka, Katherine Romanak, Tip Meckel, and Angela Luciano traveled to Port Arthur, Texas to attend the 7th International Workshop on Offshore Geologic Storage about CO2 storage offshore…click to read
September 17, 2024: For those interested at the Bureau of Economic Geology, Seyyed Hosseini and Zhicheng (William) Wang organized a “Carbon Dioxide Storage Simulation Training” session by Dr. Damilola Ajose-Ogunlana from SLB…click to read
September 15, 2024: The GCCC welcomes Edwina Owusu-Adjapong as a JSG-EER graduate student.
September 11–13, 2024: Katherine Romanak and Alex Bump presented at the “3rd Energy Group CCS Symposium: Characterization and Monitoring of Containment” held by the Energy Group of the Geological Society of London…click to read
September 10–12, 2024: Both Sue Hovorka and Seyyed Hosseini attended and presented at the 2024 Ground Water Protection Council (GWPC) Annual Forum in Nashville, TN...click to read
September 6, 2024: GCCC Representatives had an informal meeting with Ben Wernette from SSEB…click to read
September 6, 2024: The GCCC had the first official group meeting of the fall 2024 semester that focused on new student introductions and an orientation...click to read
September 6, 2024: Seyyed Hosseini is invited to give a talk in Oklahoma at The University of Tulsa’s McDougall School of Petroleum Engineering…click to read
September 4, 2024: The GCCC’s Senior Research Professor and Scientist, Tip Meckel, testified for the Texas Senate Finance Committee on the benefits of offshore CO2 storage at the Texas State Capitol…click to read
September 4, 2024: Excited to announce that Seyyed Hosseini and co-authors published a manuscript entitled, "Dynamic Modeling of Geological Carbon Storage in Aquifers – Workflows and Practices" in the October issue of the International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control…click to read
September 3, 2024: Congratulations to Hongsheng Wang, Ruichang Guo, Laura E. Dalton, Dustin Crandall, Seyyed A. Hosseini, Ming Fan, and Cheng Chen for publishing, “Comparative Assessment of U-Net-Based Deep Learning Models for Segmenting Microfractures and Pore Spaces in Digital Rocks” in the SPE Journal…click to read
September 1, 2024: Congratulations to Reza Ershadnia and Seyyed Hosseini for authoring a manuscript in the Journal of Hydrology…click to read
August 26–30, 2024: The GCCC’s Carlos Uroza and Shuvajit Bhattacharya will attend SEG-AAPG-Image Conference in Houston, TX…click to read
August 23, 2024: Sue Hovorka provided a brown bag seminar entitled, "How the Underground Injection Control Program provides support to the new field of Carbon Management” to the TCEQ....click to read
August 21, 2024: Katherine Romanak attended, and participated on a panel at, the National Conservative Energy Summit in Houston, Texas…click to read
August 21, 2024: Tip Meckel presented HR3D from San Luis Pass & A Summary of NASM Workshop on Plugging Abandoned Wells in the GCCC’s weekly meeting…click to read
August 21, 2024: Sue Hovorka was the guest speaker for the Enverus Innovation Underground webinar series, based out of Calgary in Alberta, Canada....click to read
August 20, 2024: Sue Hovorka had a virtual presentation entitled, “Siting and monitoring successful CO2 storage projects: What is new and developing?” at the American Chemical Society (ACS) Conference....click to read
August 16, 2024: The Gulf Coast Carbon Center welcomes 5 graduate students to our program at The University of Texas at Austin…click to read
August 15, 2024: Tip Meckel taught a 1-day short course on carbon capture and storage (CCS) in New Orleans, LA for the Deepwater Technical Symposium…click to read
August 14, 2024: Congratulations to Hailun Ni for co-authoring a paper entitled, “Impact of Pressure-Dependent Interfacial Tension and Angle on Capillary Heterogeneity Trapping of CO2 in Storage Aquifers,” published in the SPE Journal…click to read
August 14, 2024: During our weekly GCCC meeting, we heard summary presentations and celebrated our M.S. student’s Chinemerem Okezie, Ismail Faruqi, and Maria Madariaga who are officially wrapping up their M.S. projects…click to read
August 9, 2024: Many were traveling, but a group of us got together to celebrate Sahar Bakhshian’s last day at the Bureau of Economic Geology’s Gulf Coast Carbon Center…click to read
August 6–8, 2024: In preparation for upcoming DOE Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) public meetings, Angela Luciano participated in planning meetings with Climate Now…click to read
August 6, 2024: Announcing the 7th International Workshop on Offshore Geologic CO2 Storage will be held in Port Arthur, Texas on September 16–18, 2024…click to read
August 5–9, 2024: GCCC members Seyyed Hosseini, Sue Hovorka, Tip Meckel, Katherine Romanak, and Hongsheng Wang will attend the 2024 FECM/NETL Carbon Management Research Project Review Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA....click to read
August 2, 2024: Tip Meckel was invited to speak at The White Hall breakfast club at the River Oaks Country Club in Houston, TX…click to read
August 1, 2024: Tip Meckel participated as an instructor for PowerHouse Texas’ first Energy Academy class for bipartisan legislative staffers…click to read
July 31, 2024: The Gulf Coast Carbon Center has been thrilled to host 3 undergraduates for the JSG's Research Training Experience (RTX) this summer, and they presented their final projects on the main campus today…click to read
July 25, 2024: Ramón Treviño presented, “Carbon Capture & Sequestration (CCS): An Overview,” to the Clean Air Force of Central Texas…click to read
July 24, 2024: The GCCC research team was impressed by presentations created by RTX students: Ashtyn Christian, Priyansh Dhandha, and Taegon Hibbits for our weekly meeting…click to read
July 23, 2024: Tip Meckel attended, and presented, at the American Farm Bureau - Southern Region Legislative Conference…click to read
July 23, 2024: The Gulf Coast Carbon Center’s Alex Bump, Hailun Ni, and Sahar Bakhshian are in the JSG news…click to read
July 22–29, 2024: The GCCC’s PI, Sue Hovorka, hosted 20 high school seniors for GeoFORCE Texas 12th Grade Research Academy that worked together as teams to assess real-world carbon storage projects and datasets…click to read
July 16, 2024: Alex Bump was invited to provide a virtual presentation about "CCS for Professional Geologists" for American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG)…click to read
July 1–3, 2024: Katherine Romanak was invited to give a talk at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Expert Meeting on Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies and CCUS activities by the IPCC Task Force on Inventories…click to read
July 1, 2024: Congratulations to Alex Bump who was promoted from Research Associate to Research Associate Professor…click to read
June 29, 2024: Congratulations to the GCCC’s graduate student, Previna Arumugam, for receiving the “Most Outstanding Student” award from IEAGHG’s 2024 International CCS Summer School…click to read
June 26, 2024: Katherine Romanak, Tim Dixon, and IEAGHG Summer School Student Martine Enge were interviewed by ABC Radio in Darwin, Australia…click to read
June 26, 2024: For our weekly GCCC group meeting, Alex Bump presented, “Gulf Coast Faults and Fluid Flow”…click to read
June 23–29th, 2024: Katherine Romanak was an instructor, and Previna Arumugam was selected to attend, IEAGHG’s 2024 International CCS Summer School in Darwin, Australia…click to read
June 21, 2024: The Gulf Coast Carbon Center hosted their 2nd Sponsors’ Meeting at ExxonMobil’s Energy Center’s Town Hall in Spring, TX for 2024…click to read
June 19, 2024: Alex Bump was invited as a speaker to provide a presentation about "Pressure Space" as part of the Chevron Energy Fellows Seminar in Houston, TX…click to read
June 12, 2024: The GCCC welcomes a new undergraduate research assistant, Isabella Gutierrez, who is currently pursuing a degree in B.S. in Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin…click to read
June 12, 2024: The GCCC hosted a weekly meeting and welcomed several new students including three Research Traineeship Experience (RTX) students for the summer…click to read
June 10, 2024: Congratulations to Seyyed Hosseini for co-authoring a manuscript entitled, “Geomechanics contribution to CO2 storage containment and trapping mechanisms in tight sandstone complexes: A case study on Mae Moh Basin.”
June 3, 2024: The GCCC welcomes Melianna Ulfah who is starting a Ph.D. at the Gulf Coast Carbon Center in the fall…click to read
June 3, 2024: Our research group at the Gulf Coast Carbon Center is excited about the 17th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, known as GHGT-17...click to read
May 21–22, 2024: Dr. Tip Meckel attended the first meeting of the CCUS Permitting Task Force for Federal and non-Federal Lands…click to read
May 20, 2024: The GCCC welcomes Muhammad Haseeb Mukhtar for a 2024 summer internship with Dr. Seyyed A. Hosseini…click to read
May 17, 2024: Ramón Gil-Egui collaborated on a Global CCS Institute report…click to read
May 17, 2024: Argenis Pelayo provided the GCCC with an update about his M.S. research…click to read
May 16, 2024: As part of The University of Texas at Austin designating 2024 as the “Year of AI,” Seyyed Hosseini and Dolores van der Kolk organized the Bureau of Economic Geology’s first Artificial Intelligence (AI) Workshop for Bureau Researchers…click to read
May 13, 2024: Excited to announce a manuscript that Hailun Ni co-authored is available online…click to read
May 10, 2024: Tip Meckel participated in the Texas Energy Tour hosted by PowerHouse Texas and the Texas Energy & Climate Caucus…click to read
May 7, 2024: In a groundbreaking move today, the government of Trinidad and Tobago launched the "CCUS Collaborate" initiative, funded in part by Green Climate Fund readiness funds…click to read
May 5, 2024: For a riveting read, take a look at a new Gas Science and Engineering publication by Jianqiao Leng, Alex Bump, Seyyed A. Hosseini, Tip Meckel, Zhicheng Wang, and Hongsheng Wang…click to read
May 3, 2024: Tim Dixon, the Director & General Manager of IEAGHG, presented "International Developments in Offshore Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Deployment" as part of the Bureau of Economic Geology's Special Seminar Series…click to read
May 3, 2024: Happy Friday from the Gulf Coast Carbon Center…click to read
May 1, 2024: Announcing a new publication entitled, “An experimental investigation on the carbon dioxide (CO2) storage capacity of the composite confining system" by Hailun Ni, Alex Bump, and Sahar Bakhshian…click to read
April 26, 2024: Delighted to announce that Zhichang (William) Wang, Cheng Peng, Luis Ayala, and Seyyed Hosseini have published in Interpore…click to read
April 25, 2024: Alex Bump and Katherine Romanak provided BOEM in Washington, D.C. with a 1-day long workshop entitled, “Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) 101 Day” …click to read
April 19, 2024: The Gulf Coast Carbon Center's researcher, Alex Bump, summarized "Composite Confining Systems: Rethinking Petroleum Seals for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Storage" recently as part of the Bureau of Economic Geology’s Seminar Series…click to read
April 11–12, 2024: Zhicheng (William) Wang will attend “Breaking the Barrier: A Conference on Integrating Reserves and Emissions” …click to read
April 11, 2024: The GCCC will meet with a visitor from U.S. Department of Energy…click to read
April 11, 2024: Ramón Treviño will attend, and present, at the Texas American Shore and Beach Preservation Association’s 2024 Coastal Symposium …click to read
April 10–12, 2024: GCCC Representatives will attend and present at GEOGULF2024 in San Antonio, TX…click to read
April 10, 2024: Ramón Gil-Egui attended a joint Southern States Energy Board and Center for Carbon Management in Energy (CCME) CCUS Commercialization Acceleration Consortium Meeting at the University of Houston in Houston, Texas…click to read
April 10, 2024: Katherine Romanak and Sue Hovorka were invited to provide remarks on panels for CO2NNECT: CO2 Conversations held in Austin, TX…click to read
April 9, 2024: Congratulations to Alex Bump and co-authors Sahar Bakhshian, Hailun Ni, Sue Hovorka, Iulia Olariu, Dallas Dunlap, Seyyed Hosseini, and Tip Meckel for winning the 2024 Tinker Family Bureau of Economic Geology Publication Award.
April 9, 2024: The GCCC’s Sue Hovorka will attend DAC Dialogues: Bridging Policy and Innovation for Direct Air Capture (DAC) Deployment hosted by the Great Plains Institute and the Carbon Capture Coalition in Austin, TX…click to read
April 5, 2024: Susan Hovorka presented a virtual overview of carbon capture and storage (CCS) to the Texas Farm Bureau…click to read
April 5, 2024: Katherine Romanak provided the GCCC Team with a presentation entitled, “Environmental Baselines: Can’t Live with Them, Can’t Live without Them” for the GCCC’s weekly meeting series…click to read
April 1–3, 2024: Dr. Tip Meckel participated in the ISEM Energy Round Table in Galveston.
March 29, 2024: As part of the Bureau of Economic Geology’s Seminar Series, Hailun Ni will present, "Using Sand Tank Experiments to Model CO2 Plume Migration and Trapping."…click to read
March 28, 2024: Alex Bump will present, "Playing for Keeps: Novel Concepts for Carbon Sequestration" at the Bureau of Economic Geology.…click to read
March 27, 2024: Katherine Romanak provided a virtual keynote presentation about Monitoring, Measurement and Verification (MMV) Principles: Principles and Objectives to the Emissions Reduction as part of Alberta’s Carbon Capture and Storage Executive Series…click to read
March 26, 2024: The Bureau of Economic Geology's Gulf Coast Carbon Center (GCCC) had a strong presence for UT’s Energy Week, hosted by the UT Energy Institute.…click to read
March 21, 2024: Sue Hovorka presented “The SECARB early test at Cranfield, what we knew in 2009 and what has changed since then” at the GCCC’s weekly meeting…click to read
March 19–21, 2024: Special thanks to Carlos Uroza for representing the Bureau of Economic Geology’s Gulf Coast Carbon Center by participating in the symposium, entitled the Role of Geosciences in Carbon Storage, which was held in Mumbai, India…click to read
March 15, 2024: Ola Terjeson Miljeteig, VP of CCS Solutions from Equinor in Stavanger, Norway, visited the GCCC and discussed "Equinor's Perspectives on Business, R&D, and Opportunities in CCS" at our weekly meeting …click to read
March 14th, 2024: Excited to announce that the GCCC’s Alex Bump and Sue Hovorka led a workshop associated with and, following the SPE-AAPG-SEG Carbon Capture and Storage (CCUS) Conference…click to read
March 13, 2024: The Gulf Coast Carbon Center’s Texas-Louisiana Carbon Management Community (TXLA CMC), officially emailed the first quarterly newsletter as well as the latest copy of the TXLA CMC phone book out to members…click to read
March 12, 2024: Susan Hovorka and Angela Luciano hosted a film crew from Korea Education Broadcasting System (EBS) in South Korea…click to read
March 11–13, 2024: The GCCC’s research group will have a large impact at the 2024 SPE-AAPG-SEG Carbon Capture and Storage (CCUS) Conference this year…click to read
March 10, 2024: Excited to announce that the GCCC’s Shuvajit Bhattacharya led a workshop associated with and, leading up to the SPE-AAPG-SEG Carbon Capture and Storage (CCUS) Conference…click to read
March 8, 2024: Congratulations to our Master’s Student, Previna Arumugam, for being selected to take part in the prestigious IEAGHG International CCS Summer School…click to read
March 8, 2024: At the GCCC’s weekly meeting, Dolores van der Kolk provided a presentation entitled, Sedimentary Facies & Heterogeneity: Implications for CCS…click to read
March 4, 2024: The GCCC welcomes Dr. Ruichang Guo as a new Postdoctoral Fellow who will be working with Dr. Seyyed Hosseini...click to read
February 26–28, 2024: GCCC Representatives Angela Luciano, Sue Hovorka, and Seyyed Hosseini attended the 2024 Groundwater Protection Council Meeting in Oklahoma City, OK…click to read
February 24, 2024: Special thanks to the GCCC’s Sue Hovorka and Ramón Gil-Egui for volunteering at STEM Girl Day at UT Austin… click to read
February 23, 2024: Zhicheng (William) Wang had a presentation entitled, Numerical Simulation 101 & 201: Introduction to Macro-Scale Simulations, and Pore-Scale Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) for our team of researchers and students at our GCCC weekly meeting.
February 22, 2024: Tip Meckel presented the AAPG Distinguished lecture for the University of Oklahoma’s Pigott Colloquium Series…click to read
February 20, 2024: Ramón Treviño presented “Carbon Capture & Sequestration: Implications for Groundwater” to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s (TCEQ’s) bi-monthly brown bag seminar…click to read
February 13–14, 2024: Sue Hovorka, Alex Bump, and Tip Meckel traveled to Reston, Virginia for an in-person only Joint DOE-DOI Technical Workshop on Basin-Scale Issues for Carbon Storage....click to read
February 13, 2024: Texas-Louisiana Carbon Management Community (TXLA CMC) will host the first public kick-off meeting in a webinar…click to read
February 9, 2024: Hailun Ni’s graduate student, Jose Ubillus, presented an update on his research…click to read
February 8, 2024: Excited to announce that Dr. Katherine Romanak virtually presented on the topic of “Carbon Capture - Monitoring, Safety and Geologic Impact of Underground CO2 Injection” to the Healthy Planet Action Coalition…click to read
February 2, 2024: Zhicheng (William) Wang held a virtual EASiTool Workshop for participants currently in the Society of Exploration Geophysicist’s (SEG’s) Evolve Program…click to read
January 30 – February 1, 2024: In Houston, TX, the GCCC’s Carlos Uroza attended the conference entitled, “Investable CCUS Projects in Oil & Gas 2024: Pathways for Commercially Viable Capture, Transportation, Storage, and Utilization for EOR”....click to read
January 30, 2024: Hailun Ni and Sue Hovorka took undergraduate and graduate students from the Jackson School of Geosciences on a field trip at Austin’s Core Research Center…click to read
January 29, 2024: Special thanks to Professor Myles Allen, from the University of Oxford, for visiting us at the Bureau of Economic Geology and Jackson School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin…click to read
January 24–25, 2024: Associated with UTCCS-7 held on January 23, 2024, the Gulf Coast Carbon Center (GCCC) and the Texas Carbon Management Program (TxCMP) hosted a joint meeting for Sponsors of their consortiums…click to read
January 23, 2024: The Gulf Coast Carbon Center (GCCC), joined the Texas Carbon Management Program (TxCMP), and the UT Energy Institute to host UTCCS-7…click to read
January 16, 2024: Lucy Atkinson, Dorothy Dankel, and Katherine Romanak published, “The effect of monitoring complexity on stakeholder acceptance of CO2 geological storage projects in the US gulf coast region” in Frontiers in Marine Science…click to read
January 11, 2024: On behalf of the Bureau of Economic Geology’s Gulf Coast Carbon Center (GCCC), Carlos Uroza was the guest speaker for the Geophysical Society of Houston...click to read
January 11, 2024: Alex Bump's graduate student, Ismail Faruqi, presented at a Sponsors' Meeting for the ongoing, industry-supported, Gulf of Mexico Basin Depositional Synthesis (GBDS) Project…click to read
January 5, 2024: Angela Luciano presented a Tech Talk entitled, “Documenting Long-term Operational Success of Class 1 Wells in the US Gulf Coast to Build Confidence in the UIC Program” at the Bureau of Economic Geology…click to read
January 5, 2024: Carlos Uroza’s graduate student, Maria Madariaga, presented an update at the GCCC’s weekly meeting about her Master’s research…click to read