Lyons Sandstone, Denver Basin (08)
Comments on Geologic Parameters
08 Continuity of Top Seal:
Faulting is scare in the basin except at the west margin, where a mayor fault system marks the border between the basin and the Front Range Uplift. Smaller uplifts limit the basin on the south, east and north. For example, the Las Aminas Arch and the Apichapa Uplift bound the basin on the southeast. The diagenetic cementation presented in the Lyons Sandstone seems to act as a barrier, limiting the vertical flow.
08 Map:

08 Reference:
Geological Atlas of the Rocky Mountain Region, 1972, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists.
Levandowski, D., Kaley, M., and Smalley, R., 1973, Cementation in the Lyons Sandstone and its role in oil accumulation, Denver Basin, Colorado: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 57, no. 11, p. 2217–2244.