GCCC Research Themes
Research Themes 2022–2026
View all themes [PDF] (coming soon)
Theme 1: Optimizing Storage in Space and Time
Theme 2: Business Enablers
Theme 3: Getting the Message Out on CCS
Theme 4: Providing Storage Assurance for Everybody
Theme 5: Hunting Success - Where Next?
Research Themes 2018–2022
Topic 2: Preparing for Large Volume Storage – BIGFOOT
Topic 3: Real-World Leakage Assessment
Research Themes 2015–2018
Theme A: How Much, How Far, How Fast?
Theme E: Offshore Storage Source-Sink Synergies (OS4)
Research Themes 2011–2014
Theme 1: Reliable Capacity Estimation
Theme 3: Monitoring Optimization
Research Themes 2009–2011
Theme 1: Educate the Next Generation of Carbon Management Professionals and Regulators
Theme 2: Develop Selection Criteria for Commercial CO2 Sequestration
Theme 3: Define an Adequate and Reliable Monitoring and Verification Strategy Applicable to Long Term Storage
Theme 4: Evaluate Sources of Risk and Potential Liability Associated with CO2 Sequestration
Theme 5: Evaluate Economic Potential of CO2 to Enhance Oil and Gas Recovery in the Gulf Coast
Theme 6: Develop Market Framework and Economic Models for CO2 Capture and Storage in the Gulf Coast
Theme 7: Provide Service and Training to Partners
Last Updated: January 8, 2024