News 2025 Review

Expanded News

March 3–5, 2025: GCCC Researchers Seyyed Hosseini, Sue Hovorka, Hailun Ni, Carlos Uroza, and Shuvajit Bhattacharya will attend the SPE-AAPG-SEG CCUS Conference in Houston, TX…click to read

February 26, 2025: Researchers from the GCCC met with visiting Associate Professor Ryan Pollyea from Virginia Tech’s Department of Geosciences…click to read

February 21, 2025: Thanks to Linda McCall, Meena Balakrishnan, and Carson Werner for joining the GCCC at their weekly meeting…click to read

February 14, 2025: We are proud of all of our GCCC students for presenting their research posters at the JSG Symposium…click to read

February 10, 2025: The GCCC welcomes a new Postdoctoral Fellow, Jungang (Gordon) Chen, who recently received a Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering from Texas A&M University…click to read

February 4–5, 2025: The Gulf Coast Carbon Center (GCCC) joined forces with IEAGHG, the Global CCS Institute and University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P) to hold the first Africa CCUS Forum in Ben Guirer, Morocco…click to read

February 3, 2025: The GCCC’s graduate students, Sean Avitt and Argenis Pelayo, presented their research projects and gave oral presentations at the Austin Geological Society meeting held at the Bureau of Economic Geology…click to read

January 25, 2025: The GCCC’s graduate student, Bimar Maulana, was one of three panelists in an event entitled, Global Professional Training: East and Southeast Asia Symposium at The University of Texas at Austin…click to read

January 24–26, 2025: The GCCC's graduate student, Argenis Pelayo, utilized his machine-learning skills at the UT PGE 5th Annual Energy AI Hackathon.

January 22, 2025: Congratulations to Jose E. Ubillus, Sahar Bakhshian, Hailun Ni, David DiCarlo, and Tip Meckel for their recent publication entitled, “Informing field-scale CO2 storage simulations with sandbox experiments: The effect of small-scale heterogeneities.” …click to read

January 10, 2025: The GCCC welcomes an Energy and Earth Resource Master’s student, Ssu-Chi Yang, as a new GCCC graduate student who will work on the Frio Formation with Carlos Uroza and Sue Hovorkaclick to read

January 10, 2025: Thanks to Alex Bump for hosting our GCCC weekly meeting that became an interactive workshop entitled, “Hook’em! How to create engaging posters and talks.” 

January 9–10, 2025: Sue Hovorka, Katherine Romanak, and Angela Luciano attended a Texas-Louisiana Carbon Management Community (TXLA CMC) workshop for university participants in Corpus Christi, TX…click to read

Click here for "RI0283. Geological CO2 Sequestration Atlas of Miocene Strata, Offshore Texas State Waters"


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