Fox Hills, Lower Hell Creek, Powder River Basin (03)
Comments on Geologic Parameters
03 Formation Thickness:
Lewis and Hotchkiss (1981) documented the thickness of the Fox Hills Sandstone over the entire Powder River Basin. The Fox Hills Sandstone, commonly 500 to 1,000 ft thick (152.4 to 304.8 m) in the north part of the basin in Montana, reaches a maximum thickness of more than 2,500 ft (>762.2 m) in the extreme south part of the basin near Douglas.
03 Map:

03 Reference:
Lewis, B. D., and Hotchkiss, W. R., 1981, Thickness, percent sand, and configuration of shallow hydrogeologic units in the Powder River Basin, Montana and Wyoming: U. S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Investigations Series, Map I-1317, 6 sheets.