Fox Hills, Lower Hell Creek, Powder River Basin (15)

Comments on Geologic Parameters

15 Water Chemistry:

Fox Hills brine chemistry data, summarized by Henderson (1985), show that dissolved-solid concentrations increase downflow from initially low values in the northern recharge area. A plume of intermediate dissolved solids content is controlled by mixing of recharge waters with older, northwest-trending waters. Deep-basin Fox Hills waters are predominantly sodium bicarbonate, sulfate, and chloride.

15 Table:

Well_name Ca (mg/l) Mg (mg/l) Na (mg/l) K (mg/l) Cl (mg/l) SO4 (mg/l) HCO3 (mg/l) CO3 (mg/l)
P7 54.0 42.0 24.0 13.0 5.4 56.0 386.0 <1
P6 29.0 16.0 140.0 14.0 2.4 66.0 483.0 <1
P3 1.4 0.1 330.0 1.4 23.0 150.0 626.0 12
P2 1.9 0.4 300.0 1.3 18.0 150.0 583.0 8
P20 18.0 1.2 390.0 3.8 3.5 384.0 557.0 20
P30 100.0 67.0 170.0 6.0 9.0 610.0 391.0 0
P41 100.0 54.0 130.0 7.0 12.0 490.0 389.0 0
P9 1.7 0.1 360.0 2.0 21.0 97.0 790.0 13
P17 2.7 0.4 370.0 4.0 30.0 1.6 982.0 2
P15 29.0 9.0 600.0 3.3 9.0 650.0 912.0 <1
P10 93.0 45.0 490.0 5.8 1.1 1000.0 464.0 <1
P16 150.0 130.0 200.0 7.4 14.0 740.0 560.0 <1
P5 46.0 18.0 64.0 7.7 4.8 48.0 377.0 <1
P11 1.2 0.1 320.0 1.2 24.0 140.0 611.0 18
P4 92.0 38.0 16.0 7.2 1.3 75.0 453.0 <1

15 Reference:

Henderson, T., 1985, Geochemistry of ground-water in two sandstone aquifer systems in the northern Great Plains in parts of Montana and Wyoming: U. S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1402-C, p. C1-C84.

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