Paluxy Sandstone, East Texas Basin (06)
Comments on Geologic Parameters
06 Continuity:
Sand-body continuity was related to the depositional systems and facies map (Caughey, 1977) and a map of the salt structures (domes, diapirs, etc.) in the East Texas Basin (Jackson and Seni, 1984) as a means to determine the continuity of the Paluxy Formation.
06 Map:
06 Reference:
Caughey, C. A., 1977, Depositional systems in the Paluxy Formation (Lower Cretaceous), Northeast Texas; oil, gas, and groundwater resources: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Geological Circular 77-8, 59 p.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Seni, S. J., 1984, Atlas of salt domes in the East Texas Basin: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 140, 102 p.