Repetto Formation, Los Angeles Basin (02)
Comments on Geologic Parameters
02 Permeability/Hydraulic Conductivity:
Permeability data of the Repetto Formation in the major oil fields of the Los Angeles Basin are listed in the California Department of Conservation (1991). Repetto permeability values exhibit a wide range, with values as high as 2,300 md in the Huntington Beach oil field. Variations in permeability in the Repetto Formation are related partly to the extreme lithologic heterogeneity, with reservoir facies consisting of conglomerates and sandstones in a silty and muddy nonreservoir matrix (Conrey, 1967).
02 Map:

02 Reference:
California Department of Conservation (Division of Oil and Gas), 1991, California oil and gas fields, v. 2: Southern, central coastal, and offshore California, 689 p.
Conrey, B. L., 1967, Early Pliocene sedimentary history of the Los Angeles Basin, California: California Division of Mines and Geology Special Report 93, 63 p.