Repetto Formation, Los Angeles Basin (09)
Comments on Geologic Parameters
09 Hydrocarbon Production:
There are approximately 20 oil fields in the Los Angeles Basin that produce out of the Repetto Formation (Redin, 1991; Wright, 1991). Many of these fields are structurally controlled. For example, Inglewood, Potrero, Rosecrans, Dominguez, Long Beach, Seal Beach, and Huntington Beach fields occur along the Inglewood Fault. Other fields, including Whittier and Brea fields, are associated with the Whittier Fault. Production data, including data of basic reservoir parameters, are listed in detail by the California Department of Conservation (1991).
09 Map:

09 Reference:
California Department of Conservation (Division of Oil and Gas), 1991, California oil and gas fields, v. 2: Southern, central coastal, and offshore California, 689 p.
Redin, T., 1991, Oil and gas production from submarine fans of the Los Angeles Basin, in Biddle, K. T., ed., Active margin basins: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 52, p. 239-260.
Wright, T. L., 1991, Structural geology and tectonic evolution of the Los Angeles Basin, in Biddle, K. T., ed., Active margin basins: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 52, p. 35-134.