Woodbine Formation, East Texas Basin (06)
Comments on Geologic Parameters
06 Continuity:
Sand-body continuity can be found by using a generalized map of depositional systems (Oliver, 1971). A more detailed facies map is available (Calavan, 1985). Site studies are needed to asses the site-specific complexity of this heterogeneous system.
06 Map:

06 Reference:
Calavan, C. W., 1985, Depositional environments and basinal setting of the Cretaceous Woodbine Sandstone, Northeast Texas: Baylor University, Master's thesis, 225 p.
Oliver, W. B., 1971, Depositional systems in the Woodbine Formation (Upper Cretaceous) northeast Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 73, 28 p.