Woodbine Formation, East Texas Basin (07)
Comments on Geologic Parameters
07 Top Seal Thickness:
The Eagle Ford shale is the low-permeability unit immediately on top of the Woodbine. A thickness map was digitized from Surles (1986) and gridded (c7woodbineg). More regional-scale stratigraphic and facies information is available from this source. The Eagle Ford has been eroded over the Sabine Uplift in the eastern part of the study area; however, the low-transmissivity Austin Chalk extends over this area.
07 Map:

07 Reference:
Surles, M. A., 1986, Stratigraphy of the Eagle Ford Group (Upper Cretaceous) and its source-rock potential in the East Texas Basin: Baylor University, Master's thesis, 219 p.