Repetto Formation, Los Angeles Basin (01)
Comments on Geologic Parameters
01 Depth:
Formation depth data are calculated from the structure map on the base of the Repetto Formation from Wright (1991). The deepest part of the Repetto Formation in the Los Angeles Basin (more than 10,000 ft [>3,048.8 m]) occurs in an elongate, northwest-trending, fault-bounded trough in the central part of the basin. We digitized the map of structure on the base Repetto and gridded it with a 0.5-km cell size. In ARC/INFO GRID, we added the gridded thickness of the Repetto (3repetto) to the base elevation to calculate elevation of the top. We then subtracted the subsea elevation of the formation top from the gridded land surface elevation from a DEM generated from Digital Terrain Elevation Data (National Imagery and Mapping Agency, 2000) to calculate depth to top Repetto.
01 Map:

01 Reference:
Wright, T. L., 1991, Structural geology and tectonic evolution of the Los Angeles Basin, in Biddle, K. T., ed., Active margin basins: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 52, p. 35-134.