Repetto Formation, Los Angeles Basin (04)
Comments on Geologic Parameters
04 Net Sand Thickness:
Net sandstone thickness of the Repetto Formation is structurally controlled, with maximum thickness of over 2,000 ft (>609.8 m) in the deepest part of the Los Angeles Basin, coinciding with deep submarine-fan depocenters (Conrey, 1967; Redin, 1991). Sandstone thickness was gridded (c4repettog).
04 Map:

04 Reference:
Conrey, B. L., 1967, Early Pliocene sedimentary history of the Los Angeles Basin, California: California Division of Mines and Geology Special Report 93, 63 p.
Redin, T., 1991, Oil and gas production from submarine fans of the Los Angeles Basin, in Biddle, K. T., ed., Active margin basins: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 52, p. 239–260.