Basin Fill Sandstone and Carbonate Aquifers, Basin and Range (02)

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Arizona, Nevada, and California

Comments on Geologic Parameters

02 Permeability/Hydraulic Conductivity:

Simulated transmissivity values, from which permeability is inferred, were presented for carbonate aquifers in Nevada by Prudic and others (1985). The distribution of low-permeability consolidated rock, including tuff layers and intrusive bodies was shown by Harrill and others (1988).

02 Map:


02 Reference:

Harrill, J. R., Gates, J. S., and Thomas, J. M., 1988, Major ground-water flow systems in the Great Basin region of Nevada, Utah, and adjacent states: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-694-C, scale 1;1,000,000, 1 sheet.

Prudic, D. E., Harrill, J. R., Burbey, and Thomas J., 1995, Conceptual evaluation of regional ground-water flow in the carbonate-rock province of the Great Basin, Nevada, Utah, and adjacent states: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper P-1409-D, 102 p.


Basin Fill/Carbonates Parameters
Basin Fill/Carbonates home
Formation by parameter
01 Depth
02 Permeability/hydraulic conductivity
03 Formation thickness
04 Net sand thickness
05 Percent shale
06 Continuity
07 Top seal thickness
08 Continuity of top seal
09 Hydrocarbon production
10 Fluid residence time
11 Flow direction
12a CO2 solubility brine: formation temperature
12b CO2 solubility brine: formation pressure
12c CO2 solubility brine: formation water salinity
13 Rock/water interaction
14 Porosity
15 Water chemistry
16 Rock mineralogy

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