Basin Fill Sandstone and Carbonate Aquifers, Basin and Range (10)
Arizona, Nevada, and California
Comments on Geologic Parameters
10 Fluid Residence Time:
Thomas and others (1996) presented several types of maps that display fluid residence time for the carbonate aquifers in Nevada. These maps are derived from carbon-13 and carbon-14 compositions of ground water. Flow rates are shown for Tertiary basin-and-range aquifers in Nevada in Harrill and others (1988).
10 Reference:
Harrill, J. R., Gates, J. S., and Thomas, J. M., 1988, Major ground-water flow systems in the Great Basin region of Nevada, Utah, and adjacent states: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-694-C, scale 1;1,000,000, 1 sheet.
Thomas, J. M., Welch, A. H., and Dettinger, M. D., 1996, Geochemistry and isotope hydrology of representative aquifers in the Great Basin region of Nevada, Utah, and adjacent states: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1409-C, p. C1-C100.