Cape Fear Formation, South Carolina Coastal Plain (13)

Comments on Geologic Parameters

13 Rock/Water Reaction:

The Cape Fear Formation contains substantial volumes of clays and labile minerals that can potentially react with ground water (Gohn and others, 1977). Miller and others (1986) provided an excellent discussion of sediment/water interaction as a function of ground-water residence time in southeastern U.S. coastal plain aquifers. For the GIS we used information from Miller and others (1986) to characterize rock/water reactions that can be expected in the Cape Fear hydrostratigraphic interval. Immature sands may have moderate potential for interaction with high-CO2 fluids.

13 Reference:

Gohn, G. S., Higgins, B. B., Smith, C. C., and Owens, J. P., 1977, Lithostratigraphy of the deep corehole (Clubhouse Crossroads Corehole 1) near Charleston, South Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1028E, p. 59-70.

Miller, J. A., Barker, R. A., and Renkin, R. A., 1986, Hydrology of the Southeastern Coastal Plain Aquifer System, in Vecchioli, J., and Johnson, A. I., eds., Regional aquifer systems of the United States: aquifers of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain: American Water Resources Association Monograph Series No. 9, p. 53-77.


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