Lower Potomac Group, Eastern Coastal Plain (14)

Comments on Geologic Parameters

14 Porosity:

Hansen (1984) provided information regarding porosity in the lower Potomac aquifer (Waste Gate Formation) of eastern Maryland. He reported that porosities generally range from 19 to 27 percent. This range is reported in the GIS.

14 Reference:

Benson, R. N., Jordan, R. R., and Spoljaric, N., 1985, Geological studies of Cretaceous and Tertiary section, test well Je32-04, central Delaware: Delaware Geological Survey Bulletin No. 17, 69 p., 3 plates.

Hansen, H. J., 1969, Depositional environments of subsurface Potomac Group in southern Maryland: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 53, p. 1923-1937.

Kasabach, H. F., and Scudder, R. J., 1961, Deep wells of the New Jersey coastal plain: New Jersey Geological Survey Report GSR 3, 62 p.

Maher, J. C., and Applin, E. R., 1971, Geologic framework and petroleum potential of the Atlantic coastal plain and continental shelf: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 659, 98 p., 17 plates.

Meisler, H., Leahy, P. P., and Knobel, L. L., 1984, Effect of eustatic sea-level changes on salt-water-freshwater in the northern Atlantic coastal plain: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2255, 28 p.

Trapp, H., Jr., Knobel, L. L., Meisler, H., and Leahy, P. P., 1984, Test well DO-CE 88 at Cambridge, Dorchester County, Maryland: U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Supply Paper 2229, 48 p.

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