St. Peter Sandstone, Illinois Basin (12c)
Comments on Geologic Parameters
12c CO2 Solubility Brine: Formation Water Salinity:
Formation waters in the St. Peter Sandstone in the southern Illinois, western Kentucky, area are highly mineralized (Meents and others, 1952; Hoholick, 1980; Cartwright and others, 1981). We used the salinity-distribution map of Hoholick (1980) in the GIS because it is the most current and covers a broad region.
12c Map:

12c Reference:
Cartwright, K., Gilkeson, R. H., Griffin, R. A., Johnson, T. M., Lindorff, D. E., and DuMontelle, P. B., 1981, Considerations in hazardous waste disposal in Illinois: Illinois Geological Survey, Geological Note GN 94, 20 p.
Hoholick, D. J., 1980, Porosity, grain fabric, water chemistry, cement, and depth of the St. Peter Sandstone in the Illinois Basin: University of Cincinnati, Master's thesis, 72 p.
Meents, W. F., Bell, A. H., Rees, O. W., and Tilbury, W. G., 1952, Illinois oilfield brines, their geologic occurrence and chemical composition: Illinois Geological Survey, Illinois Petroleum No. 66, 38 p.