Cedar Keys/Lawson, Central Florida Region (09)
Comments on Geologic Parameters
09 Hydrocarbon Production:
Hydrocarbon production in southern Florida is from the Lower Cretaceous. None has been reported from the Cedar Keys and Lawson Dolomites. We used the oil-field location map of Meyer (1989) to show the locations of Lower Cretaceous production areas. Note that these Lower Cretaceous horizons produce large volumes of brines and that a portion of the brines are injected into boulder zones above the lower Cedar Keys and upper Lawson Dolomites.
09 Map:

09 Reference:
Meyer, F. W., 1989, Hydrogeology, ground-water movement, and subsurface storage in the Floridan Aquifer system in southern Florida: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1403-G, 59 p.