Cedar Keys/Lawson, Central Florida Region (15)
Comments on Geologic Parameters
15 Water Chemistry:
Few data were available on the chemistry of brines in the deep subsurface. We chose to use the data of Vernon (1970), who presented water-chemistry-analysis results from selected oil fields in the Coral Gables area. Also a formation water chemistry table from the Lower Cretaceous Sunniland Limestone was added to the GIS data base.
15 Tables:
View tables in Excel spreadsheet format:
A) Water Chemistry Vermon, 1970 (XLSX)
B) Water Chemistry from the Lower Cretaceous Sunnilands limestone, which underlies the Cedar Key and Lawson dolomite (Meyer, 1989) (XLSX)
15 Reference:
Vernon, R. O., 1970, The beneficial uses of zones of high transmissivities in the Florida subsurface for water storage and waste disposal: Florida Geological Survey, Information Circular No. 70, 39 p.