Tuscaloosa Group, Alabama Gulf Coastal Plain (01)
Comments on Geologic Parameters
01 Depth:
A number of maps show the depth to the middle Tuscaloosa clay, including Alverson (1970) and Moore (1971). Moffett and others (1984a) and Miller (1990) generated maps showing the elevation of the top of the Tuscaloosa Group. We chose the map of Moffett and others (1984a) because it covers most of the area. The Moore (1971) study contains more detail and generally represents the top of the lower Tuscaloosa sandy interval but covers only a small part of the area. We then used land-surface elevation from a DEM generated from Digital Terrain Elevation Data (National Imagery and Mapping Agency, 2000) to calculate the depth to top of the lower Tuscaloosa (c1tuscaloosag).
01 Map:

01 Reference:
Alverson, R. M., 1970, Deep well disposal study for Baldwin, Escambia and Mobile Counties, Alabama: Alabama Geological Survey, Circular 58, 49 p.
Mancini, E. A., Mink, R. M., Payton, J. W., and Bearden, B. L., 1987, Environments of deposition and petroleum geology of the Tuscaloosa Group (Upper Cretaceous), South Carlton and Pollard Fields, southwestern Alabama: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 71, p. 1128-1142.
Miller, J. A., 1990, Ground water atlas of the United States-segment 6, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas No. HA-730-G, 28 p.
Moffett, T. B., Hinkle, F., Epsman, M. L., and Wilson, G. V., 1984a, Configuration of the top of the Selma Group in Alabama: Alabama Geological Survey, Map 199CB, 1 sheet.
Moore, D. B., 1971, Subsurface geology of southwest Alabama: Alabama Geological Survey, Bulletin 99, 80 p., 11 plates.
National Imagery and Mapping Agency, 2000, Digital terrain elevation data (DTED Level 0), http:/www.gisdatadept.com.